Hi Champions,
We have confirmed reports about a bug resulting in some players being able to re-earn tour rewards, the bug has been patched and can no longer occur.
After investigation, it appears that it has some limited impact to the birthday bash event leaderboards and progress.
We want you to know that preserving the integrity of our largest and most exciting events like this one is critical for us and the community. Please be assured that we value and respect all of the dedication and effort required to be successful in these events.
We also feel a strong conviction that we would be doing a disservice to our community if we didn’t directly address the impact that compromises the legitimacy of these events (even in cases like this when the impact is limited). Throughout the next 24 hours, we will be making updates to this end. For all users who earned event progress as a result of the bug, we will be updating event scores and progress so that competition is 100% legitimate.
It is very unfortunate when such bugs appear , and we regret the inconvenience experienced by our community. It’s also important to note that through our investigation, it seems clear that some members of our community have earned items or progress as a result of the bug without any bad intentions of exploiting it to gain unfair advantage. However it also seems clear that a small portion of our community intentionally and egregiously exploited this bug to gain an unfair advantage. This small group will be investigated more carefully so that appropriate action to mitigate against unfair advantage can be taken.
Once again, we value your continued dedication to our awesome community, and appreciate your patience and understanding about this issue.
Thank you Champions!