Whenever you activate a Black Move, increase your Black Gem Damage by 50% for 1 turn!
Point Break
Whenever you Destroy 30+ Gems, Generate 30 Black Gems at the end of your turn!
Whenever you Destroy 30+ Gems, Generate 30 Purple Gems at the end of your turn!
Off the Ropes
Whenever you Destroy 30+ Gems, Generate 30 Blue Gems at the end of your turn!
Whenever you Destroy 30+ Gems, Generate 30 Green Gems at the end of your turn!
Unlimited Power
Whenever you Destroy 30+ Gems, Generate 30 Red Gems at the end of your turn!
Mic Drop
Whenever you Destroy 30+ Gems, Generate 30 Yellow Gems at the end of your turn!
Valkyrie’s Crest
Whenever you activate a Red Move, increase your Red Gem Damage by 50% for 1 turn!
Whenever you make 6+ Column Break Gems, increase all of your Gem damage by 500% for 1 turn!
Devil’s Drip
When you make 6+ Column Break Gems, make 7 random Gems into Multiply Gems of Strength 7!
Buzzard’s Beak
Whenever you activate a Green Move, increase your Green Gem Damage by 50% for 1 turn!
Down the Rabbit Hole
When you break 7+ Row Break Gems, generate 22 random Black Gems!
Insatiable Hunger
Whenever you make 6 or more Row Break Gems, increase all of your Gem damage by 50% for 1 turn!
Dual Katanas
When you make 9+ Power Gems, decrease all of your Opponent’s Gem damage by 80% for 3 turns!
Twin Sai
When you break 10+ Cross Break Gems, generate 25 random Red Gems!
When you Dodge a Move or Gems, increase all of your Move damage by 100% for 1 turn!
When you Dodge a Move or Gems, increase all of your Gem damage by 100% for 1 turn!
LA Bite
Whenever you activate a Yellow Move, increase your Yellow Gem Damage by 50% for 1 turn!
CTRL Freak
When you make 6 or more Silence Gems, increase all of your Gem damage by 100% for 1 turn!
The Biteman’s Battle Armor
Whenever you make 6 or more Submission Gems, increase your Red Gem damage by 200% for 2 turns!
Chelsea’s Entombment
Whenever you make 8 or more Blast Gems, Increase your Black Gem Damage by 400% for 1 Turn and make 4 Random Blast Gems.
The New Era
When you break 4+ Green Gems, generate 10 random Yellow Gems at the end of your turn!
Giant Killer
When you break 4+ Green Gems, generate 10 random Red Gems at the end of your turn!
When you break 4+ Green Gems, generate 10 random Blue Gems at the end of your turn!
When you break 4+ Green Gems, generate 10 random Purple Gems at the end of your turn!
When you break 4+ Yellow Gems, generate 10 random Green Gems at the end of your turn!
Like A Boss
When you break 4+ Red Gems, generate 10 random Green Gems at the end of your turn!
Fearless Leader
When you break 4+ Blue Gems, generate 10 random Green Gems at the end of your turn!
High-Grade Titanium
When you break 4+ Purple Gems, generate 10 random Green Gems at the end of your turn!
Tama’s Chest Plate
Whenever you make 6 or more Trap Gems, increase your Purple Gem damage by 300% for 1 turn!
Glowing Fate
Whenever you make 6 or more Submission Gems, increase your Green Gem damage by 200% for 2 turns!
Unbreakable Crown
Whenever you break 7 or more Yellow Gems, generate 20 Green Gems.
Dark Master
Whenever you break 20+ Trap Gems, generate 20 Black Gems at the end of your turn!
Timeless Style
Whenever you activate a Purple Move, increase your Blue Gem Damage by 250% for 1 turn!
Must-See Headband
Whenever you make 4 or more Snowfall Gems, increase your Red Gem damage by 50% for 1 turn and reduce all of your Opponent’s Gem damage by 50% for 2 turns
Whenever you break 4 or more Purple Gems, increase your Yellow Gem damage by 50% for 2 turns!
Let Me Talk To Ya!
Whenever you make 4 or more Pyro Gems, increase your Blue Gem damage by 300% for 1 turn!
Will of Cargill
Whenever you make 10+ Multiply Gems, increase your Green Gem and Yellow Move damage by 100% for 1 turn!
Final Boss Finery
When you make 15+ Botch Gems, decrease all of your Opponent’s Gem damage by 80% for 3 turns!
The Nearing End
When you make 6 or more Immobile Gems, increase your Gem damage by 350% for 1 turn.
Bubba Ray’s Specs
Whenever you activate a Purple Move, increase your Purple Gem Damage by 50% for 1 turn!
D-Von’s Specs
Whenever you make 6 or more Color Turn Gems, increase all of your Gem damage by 50% for 1 turn!
Shades of Reigns
When you make 7 or more Cross Break Gems, increase all of your Gem and Move damage by 100% for 1 turn!
A Moment of Bliss
Whenever you break 3 or more Purple Gems, get 3 Blue Move Points(MP) at the end of your turn!
Strong Style
Whenever you break 3 or more Blue Gems, get 3 Yellow Move Points(MP) at the end of your turn!
Whenever you break 3 or more Yellow Gems, get 3 Purple Move Points(MP) at the end of your turn!
Vintage Glamour
Whenever you break 3 or more Green Gems, get 3 Yellow Move Points(MP) at the end of your turn!
Larger than Life
Whenever you break 3 or more Yellow Gems, get 3 Red Move Points(MP) at the end of your turn!
Corporate Crown
Whenever you break 3 or more Purple Gems, get 3 Black Move Points(MP) at the end of your turn!
B.O.A.T. Status
Whenever you break 3 or more Purple Gems, get 3 Red Move Points(MP) at the end of your turn!
Whenever you break 3 or more Black Gems, get 3 Blue Move Points(MP) at the end of your turn!
Whenever you break 3 or more Yellow Gems, get 3 Blue Move Points(MP) at the end of your turn!
Phenomenal Flow
Whenever you break 3 or more Green Gems, get 3 Purple Move Points(MP) at the end of your turn!
The Barber’s Blades
Whenever you make 6 or more Trap Gems, increase your Black Gem damage by 75% for 1 turn!
Chelsea’s Entitlement
Whenever you make 15 or more Trap Gems, increase your Purple Move Damage by 200% for 1 turn!
Hard Time Blues
Whenever you make 6 or more Countdown Gems, increase your Blue and Yellow Gem damage by 100% for 2 turns!
The Heartstopper
Whenever you activate a Blue Move, increase your Blue Gem Damage by 50% for 1 turn!
The Sherriff’s Badge
Whenever you break 15 or more Red Gems, generate 30 Yellow Gems!
The Last Ride to Hell
Whenever you make 15 or more Trap Gems, increase your Green Gem Damage by 200% for 1 turn!
The General’s Hand
Whenever you make 6 or more Submission Gems, gain 3 Purple MP and 3 Yellow MP!
Heart of Jade
Whenever you make 6 or more Countdown Gems, increase your Purple and Red Gem damage by 100% for 2 turns!
Ghost Whooper
Whenever you activate a Yellow Move, increase your Yellow Move Damage by 100% for two total turns (including the current turn)!
Head of the Seance
Whenever you break 8+ Red Gems, generate 30 random Red Gems at the end of your turn!
Fluffy Fantasm
Whenever you generate 1+ Juggernaut Gems, reduce your Opponent’s MP by 3!
When you break 7+ Red Gems, generate 10 random Purple Gems AND when you break 7+ Purple Gems, generate 10 random Red Gems at the end of your turn!
Seal of the Acolytes
Whenever you make 6 or more Submission Gems, increase ALL of your Gem damage by 50% for your next turn!
Santa’s Muscles
Whenever you break 3 or more Red Gems, get 3 Green Move Points(MP) at the end of your turn!
Nightmare Insignia
Whenever you make 6 or more Multiply Gems, increase your Yellow Gem damage by 100% for 1 turn!
Real American
When you break 4+ Red Gems, generate 10 random Blue Gems at the end of your turn!
Uncle Slam
When you break 4+ Blue Gems, generate 10 random Red Gems at the end of your turn!
Eternal Vigilance
Whenever you break 3 or more Red Gems, get 3 Blue Move Points(MP) at the end of your turn!
Tribute to the Troops
Whenever you break 3 or more Blue Gems, get 3 Red Move Points(MP) at the end of your turn!
Eye of the Tiger
Whenever you break 3 or more Red Gems, get 3 Black Move Points(MP) at the end of your turn!
Thrill of the Fight
Whenever you break 3 or more Green Gems, get 3 Black Move Points(MP) at the end of your turn!
Rising Up
Whenever you break 3 or more Yellow Gems, get 3 Black Move Points(MP) at the end of your turn!
Last Known Survivor
Whenever you break 3 or more Black Gems, get 3 Red Move Points(MP) at the end of your turn!
Prey in the Night
Whenever you break 3 or more Black Gems, get 3 Green Move Points(MP) at the end of your turn!
Challenge of our Rival
Whenever you break 3 or more Black Gems, get 3 Yellow Move Points(MP) at the end of your turn!
I Pity the Fool
When you break 4+ Red Gems, generate 10 random Black Gems at the end of your turn!
Unstoppable Force
When you break 4+ Yellow Gems, generate 10 random Black Gems at the end of your turn!
The Kevin Owens Show
When you break 4+ Green Gems, generate 10 random Black Gems at the end of your turn!
Immovable Object
When you break 4+ Black Gems, generate 10 random Yellow Gems at the end of your turn!
Underdog Story
When you break 4+ Black Gems, generate 10 random Red Gems at the end of your turn!
Deafening Silence
When you break 4+ Black Gems, generate 10 random Green Gems at the end of your turn!
Piper Pride
Whenever you make 4 or more Pyro Gems, increase your Gem Damage by 100% and your Yellow Gem damage by 500% for 1 turn
The Mark of a Hero
Whenever you make 6 or more Leech Gems, increase your Purple and Yellow Gem damage by 75% for 1 turn!
KO’s Fighting Spirit
Whenever you make 6 or more Immobile Gems, increase your Green Gem damage by 150% and your Black Move damage by 250% for 2 turns!
The Gremlin’s Ears
When you generate 3 or more Submission Gems, increase your Red and Blue Gem damage by 100% for 2 turns!
Eyes of Judgment
When you make 6 or more Countdown Gems, deplete 6 MP from each of the opponent’s Moves!
Hunter’s Medallion
Whenever you break 4 or more Green Gems, increase your Yellow Gem damage by 100% for 2 turns!
The Lion’s Gaze
When you break 4 or more X-Break Gems, deplete 6 MP from each of the opponent’s Moves!
The Hitman’s Battle Armor
When you make 8 or more Botch Gems, deplete 4 MP from each of the opponent’s Moves!
Bianca’s Braid Blade
Whenever you make 6 or more X-Break Gems, increase all of your Gem Damage by 100% for 2 turns!
The Dominator’s Drip
Whenever you activate a Black Move, make 7 random Gems into Multiply Gems of Strength 7!
Mella’s Mask
Whenever you make 6 or more Submission Gems, increase your Blue Move damage by 150% and decrease your Opponent’s Gem damage by 25% for 3 turns!
The Bulldog’s Bracers
Whenever you generate 10 or more Reinforce Gems, increase your Yellow Gem damage by 25% and your Red Gem damage by 75% for 3 turns!
The Princess’s Flaming Glove
Whenever you make 6 or more Multiply Gems, increase your Blue Gem damage by 50% for 2 turns!
The Main Face of Mick Foley
Whenever you break 6 or more Black Gems, make 5 random Gems into Power Gems of Strength 50,000!
The Baddest Jacket
When you generate 3 or more Submission Gems, increase your Yellow and Black Gem damage by 100% for 2 turns!
La Familia
Whenever you break 3 or more Blue Gems, gain 3 Green Move Points(MP)!
The Deadman’s Sigil
Whenever you break 3 or more Black Gems, make 6 random Gems into X-Break Gems!
The Hulkamaniac
Whenever you break 20 or more Gems, increase your Black Move Dmg by 300% and Red Gem Dmg by 200% for 2 turns!
Uso Cap
Whenever you make 8 or more Silence Gems, increase your Green Gem damage by 150% for 3 turns!
The Queen’s Tiara
Whenever you make 6 or more Multiply Gems, increase your Black Gem damage by 50% for 2 turns!
Scimitars of the Sheik
Whenever you activate a Green Move, increase your Green Move Damage by 100% for 2 total turns (includes current turn)!
Chain of the Colossus
Whenever you break 4 or more Red Gems, make 4 random Gems into Red Gems at end of turn!
Tested Loyalty
Whenever you break 6 or more Red Gems, increase your Red Move damage by 75% for 2 turns!
Ultimate Opportuni-Z
Whenever you make 4 or more Countdown Gems, increase your Gem damage by 50% and reduce your Opponent’s Gem damage by 35% for 2 turns!
King Sheamus’s Crown
When you make 4 or more Cross Break Gems, increase your Red Gem damage by 150% and your Green Move damage by 50% for 2 turns!
Heroic Titan’s Crest
Whenever you make 8 or more Blast Gems, increase the damage of all your Gems by 200% for 2 turns!
Mysterious Mask
Whenever you make 5 or more Heal Gems, increase your Yellow Move damage by 125% for 2 turns!
Superior Tech
Whenever you break 3 or more Purple Gems, make 7 Red Gems into Yellow Gems at the end of your turn!
What The Rock is Cookin’
Whenever you break 3 or more Red Gems, get 3 Purple Move Points(MP) at the end of your turn!
It’s Time Once Again
Whenever you break 3 or more Purple Gems, get 3 Yellow Move Points(MP) at the end of your turn!
The Smoke
Whenever you break 3 or more Blue Gems, get 3 Purple Move Points(MP) at the end of your turn!
Heavy Machinations
Whenever you break 3 or more Yellow Gems, get 3 Green Move Points(MP) at the end of your turn!
Honky Tonk’s Blues
Whenever you break 3 or more Green Gems, get 3 Blue Move Points(MP) at the end of your turn!
The Kid’s Lightning
Whenever you break 3 or more Yellow Gems, make 7 Purple Gems into Blue Gems at the end of your turn!
The Viper’s Strike
Whenever you break 3 or more Black Gems, make 7 Yellow Gems into Red Gems at the end of your turn!
Shawn’s Showstopper
Whenever you break 3 or more Blue Gems, make 7 Red Gems into Green Gems at the end of your turn!
DX Army Assault
Whenever you break 3 or more Purple Gems, make 7 Green Gems into Black Gems at the end of your turn!
Twilight Ritual
Whenever you break 3 or more Red Gems, make 7 Blue Gems into Purple Gems at the end of your turn!
Shock the System
Whenever you break 3 or more Green Gems, make 7 Black Gems into Yellow Gems at the end of your turn!
General’s Orders
Whenever you break 3 or more Red Gems, get 3 Yellow Move Points(MP) at the end of your turn!
The Godfather’s Mojo
Whenever you break 5 or more Loot Gems, get 5 Purple Move Points(MP) at the end of your turn!
Bad Attitude
Whenever you break 3 or more Blue Gems, get 3 Black Move Points(MP) at the end of your turn!
Eternal Positivity
Whenever you break 3 or more Black Gems, get 3 Purple Move Points(MP) at the end of your turn!
Glowing Phantom Power
Whenever you break 3 or more Purple Gems, get 3 Green Move Points(MP) at the end of your turn!
Whenever you break 3 or more Green Gems, get 3 Red Move Points(MP) at the end of your turn!
Sid’s Powerbomb
Whenever you create 2 or more Power Gems, instantly generate 2 additional random Power Gems of strength 4000, then generate 2 more at the end of your turn!
All Heart
When you generate 3 or more Submission Gems, increase your Green and Purple Gem damage by 100% for 2 turns!
Boss Time
Whenever you break 6 or more Yellow Gems, make 6 random Gems into Cross Break Gems!
Cheap Shot
When you land a Gem Critical Hit, reduce the damage of all of your opponent’s Gems by 50% for 1 turn!
Blue Bomber
50% chance to create 2 random Blast Gems each time you use a Signature Move or swipe a Gem!
Two Words For Ya’
50% chance to create 2 random X-Break Gems each time you use a Signature Move or swipe a Gem!
Escape Artist
Equip this Skill Plate for a 33% chance to break 30 Submission Gems on each turn while your Superstar is in a submission
Chaotic Blast
Equip this Skill Plate to increase your Gem Critical Hit chance and create 1 random Blast Gem whenever you land a Gem Critical Hit!
Head Games
Equip this Skill Plate to increase your Gem Critical Hit chance and create 10 random Botch gems whenever you land a Gem Critical Hit!