Hey Champions,

We gonna raise some Hell today, it’s finally Austin 3:16 Day! Collect Crushed Cans in Tours, Shop and Loot, and redeem them for awesome Rewards on the Prize Wall! INCLUDING BRAND-NEW Hall of Fame Gears for Steve Austin!

Please note:
Screenshots are taken from a test environment. Text, numbers, and dates are subject to change!


3:16 Day 20223/16 at noon PST3/17 at noon PST

3:16 Day 2022 Tour

Play with ANY Steve Austin in the 3:16 Day Tour against his biggest rivals to collect Crushed Cans and additional Rewards!


55-Star Emerald Tokens
105-Star Diamond Tokens
75-Star Gold Tokens
155-Star Silver Tokens
104-Star Gold Tokens
204-Star Silver Tokens
600Crushed Cans

3:16 Day Prize Wall

Redeem your Crushed Cans here for AWESOME rewards! Rare Posters of Steve Austin, his BRAND-NEW Hall of Fame Gears, Straps, and MORE!

⭐⭐⭐⭐ You can earn more Crushed Cans in Offers and Loot.

Please note:
Screenshots are taken from a test environment. Items and costs are subject to change!

3:16 Day Loot of Whoop-Ass

Open Up this Loot of Whoop-Ass for a Chance at ALL versions of Steve Austin, plus a Diamond Collector’s Bag with a Poster of EACH VERSION! Additionally, his BRAND-NEW Hall of Fame Gears come also with his Hall of Fame Poster (+5SB=Gold, +3B=Silver) and the Hall of Fame Collector’s Bag.

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