Hey Champions, what’s poppin’?
This February is gonna be RAD! For the 7th Anniversary of WWE Champions, we went back in time to have an EPIC retro party with all of you! 🥳
Enjoy future Hall of Famers in BODACIOUS fashion! These NEW Dudes and Dudettes will be Legends Era and have their own style to remember one of the most historic eras in WWE and beyond!
Don’t miss out on 7 REVAMPED Superstars and all Special Contests throughout the month: The People’s Campaign, Love at First Fight, Elimination Chamber, and a Weeklong Finale Birthday Bash, all with totally tubular Rewards!
– WICKED!!!!11!!1one

GET 2 BRAND-NEW Superstars

- Get Kevin Owens “Greatest Hits” at 2-Star Bronze for FREE in the Shop!
- Unlock BRAND-NEW Rhea Ripley “Heavy Metal” at 5-Star GOLD with Shards, or get her with Superstar Prize Wall Medallions!
Changes/Improvements in February
- The Superstar Victory Tour will launch right after their Debut Contest, so you don’t have to wait until the month’s end.
- Revisit 7 Superstars that were somehow part of everyone’s experience over the last 7 Years in WWE Champions. We will revamp their Moves throughout this month of the anniversary! Who will it be? Surprise, Surprise!
- THIS MONTH ONLY: We’re adding 7 Surprise Contests with the revamped Superstars and a FREE Claim at 5-Star Bronze at wwechampions.com!
- These will be 24-hour Contests that launch at different times throughout the month, so be sure to LOG IN EVERY DAY not to miss any of them!
- If you complete all 7 Contests, you can max out a 6-Star Bronze Superstar!
- 6-Star Bronze Fuse Up Deals will be available in the Shop as well.
- Collect 1 Birthday Surprise 6-Star Loot Coin in each Suprise Contest for a MAX Pull at the end of the month and a guaranteed 6-Star Silver Superstar!
- Join our Livestreams for more Info on these Contests and to get a chance on anniversary giveaways!

Time Capsule Collection Contest

Find Time Capsules in Retro Rewind Tours, Blitz, Showdown, and Midweek Contests to make progress! Get more items at wwechampions.com!
Earn nearly 200M Coins, 20,000 TP, plenty of high rarity Tokens, and up to 10 Time Capsule Chests with a chance at Contest Superstar Posters and Shards that can help you in this Contest.
Ways to progress in the Contest EVERY DAY:
Monday & Tuesday | Claim FREE Blitz Tickets in the Store and at wwechampions.com to earn Time Capsule Collection Cases in Blitz Rewards. |
Wednesday & Thursday | Earn Time Capsule Collection Cases in Midweek Contest Rewards. |
Friday, Saturday & Sunday | Find VHS Tapes in each Debut Superstar Weekend Contest! |


Play weekly Contests and Competitions throughout the 7th Anniversary month to unlock awesome Rewards in Milestones, Tours, and on the Prize Wall.
- All Contests are stuffed with valuable Resources.
- The Feud Prep Talent-Up rewards you with the new Feud Perks and more! Every New Feud comes with new Feud Perks. The following are the Perks for the upcoming Feud:
- Opponents Green MP -10
- Opponents Blue Gem Dmg -500%
- Purple Gem Dmg +200%
- 300% Trap Gem Damage
- Collect enough Medallions in the Solo Contest and redeem them for RARE Superstar Posters on the Retro Rewind Superstar Prize Wall, including a ⭐⭐⭐ 3-Star Gold Rhea Ripley “Heavy Metal”!
- Take part in the monthlong Time Capsule Collection Contest and earn Superstar Chests with Posters and Shards.
- Redeem your earned Anniversary Emblems on the Prize Wall and choose additional Rewards, such as Shards for BRAND-NEW Rhea Ripley “Heavy Metal”, Coins, TP, and Tokens of any Class, Turnbuckles, and much MORE! (Resets Weekly)
- Defeat the Kevin Owens “Greatest Hits” Tour Boss weekly for Special Medallions that unlock even MORE Rewards.
- Earn 6-Star Silver Tokens in weekly Challenge Tours!

Please note: The Briefcase Loot resets weekly, so players who managed to League Up during the week can also use this Loot.

🗓 Events Schedule

Retro Rewind Contest | 1/30 at 11:30 am PST |
Loot, Perks, Weekly Blitz, Weekly Faction Competition and Tours, Kick-Off Faction Tour Competition, Feud Prep Talent Up, Weekly Community Event at wwechampions.com | 1/30 at noon PST |
🎉 SPECIAL: 7 Surprise Contests (Login DAILY to know when they happen and participate in our Live stream to get the latest intel on them!) | ??? |
Kevin Owens “Greatest Hits” Evolution Tokens How-To
- You will find valuable Evolution Tokens in various places throughout the Contest, including Tours, Coin & Evolution Contests, TP Contests, and MORE!
- These can evolve and enhance the free Superstar during this monthly Contest.
- If you want to be ahead, purchase more Evolution Tokens in the Shop, but there will be enough for FREE to bring him up to 4-Star Gold if you play all Competitions.
- Consider bringing him up higher with all your Tokens if you get him in Loot!
Limited-Time TOurs and Feud Contest Superstars

Use the NEW Feud Prep Talent Ups to invest in the right Superstars for Feud and Tours!