Hey Champions,
It’s WrestleMania and Clobberin’ Time! The BEST IN THE WORLD makes his highly anticipated debut in the BEST WWE mobile game! Unlock him with Shards throughout the Contest and help yourself to the generously stocked Prize Walls!

Alongside all the WrestleMania worthy Rewards on those Prize Walls, you can find 27 (TWENTY-SEVEN) REVAMPED Superstars on the WrestleMania 6-Star Spectacular Prize Wall and in Grab Bags! (More info in this post)
These Revamps will help you with the gem-breaking tasks we have started introducing. They are good choices for Extreme Rules Tours, Faction Boss battles, and Showdowns.
These Revamps have three focuses: Mod Gem Breaker, Color Gem Breaker, and Choose & Tag. (Find more info on this in the Prize Wall section)

Speaking of the Showdown, you all have been asking for it. We will update the Showdown Shop with past MLC chases and MOMENTS on Sunday!