Ho, ho, ho,
Did someone say Santa Hogan Tokens? This is your chance to evolve your Santa Hogan to the next level. Play Showdown for his Evo Tokens, alongside 400 Julius Creed Shards and Summer of Darkness Midweek Medallions! Spinning the Loot the first 24hrs gets you double the Points!
CLAIM your FREE 3-Star Silver Hulk Hogan “Santa Hogan” in the SHOP! Find 250 of his evo tokens in milestones and MORE in Leaderboard, offers and Web Shop Events at WWECHAMPIONS.COM!
Please note:
Screenshots are taken from a test environment. Text, numbers, items, and dates are subject to change! Some parts of the Contest might still be WIP, so check in-game for the latest numbers and items once the Contest has started.