Hey Champions,

It’s about TIME we induct Steve Austin to the WWE Champions Hall of Fame! WHAT? – Yes, and you can get a chance at him in our Hall of Fame Induction contest this weekend!

5-Star Bronze Previews/Guides for Steve Austin “Hall of Fame” can be found (soon) on our YouTube Playlist! Content made by the Community for the Community!

Please note: Screenshots taken from a test environment. Text, numbers, and dates are subject to change!


The Steve Austin “Hall of Fame” Induction Loot contest starts on 8/14 at noon PST and ends on 8/17 at noon PST!

Solo Contest

Get the 1000 additional Steve Austin “Hall of Fame” shards in milestone and unlock him at 4-Star GOLD!

Obtain 1 Hall of Fame Ingot1
Top Milestone1,250


1000Steve Austin “Hall of Fame” shards

Leaderboard rewards

100Chyna shards
1-105-Star Silver Tokens

Prize Wall

Redeem your Hall of Fame Ingots in this Prize Wall for Hall of Fame Tokens and other resources!


Raise hell and spin the Loot for a 4-Star Bronze poster of BRAND-NEW Steve Austin “Hall of Fame”, alongside his shards and Hall of Fame Ingots!