Ho ho ho Champions,
Happy Holidays to all our Champions! What perfect timing for yours truly Truthy Clause to come by and give out merry rewards! 🎁🎅
UNLOCK BRAND-NEW R-Truth at 5-Star Bronze with shards in Milestones, Flash Feuds, Tour, Offers, and Loot.
Obtain League Store Credits and redeem them for Coins and TP in the League Shop!
Make progress by collecting R-Truth shards and playing the SantaSlam Flash Feuds.
WIN ALL-NEW 5-Star Diamond Tokens as Top Milestone Rewards and Leaderboard rewards.
CLAIM FREE contest rewards in the Store and the Community Portal!

This contest comes with a BRAND-NEW League Shop (League 7+ only) which lets you redeem NEW League Store Credits for Coins and TP.
You can find a lot of them in this Milestones and Offers.
The higher your League the MORE Coins and TP you can get for your League Store Credits!
Please note:
Screenshots are taken from a test environment. Text, numbers, and dates are subject to change!
The Merry Truth-Mas contest begins on 12/25 at noon PT and ends on 12/28 at noon PT!

The relevant Flash Feud begins on 12/25 at noon PT and ends on 12/28 at noon PT!
Solo Contest

Task | Points |
Spend 1 Cash | 10 |
Earn Contest Superstar Points in the Limited-Time Tour and Faction Feud! | |
Max Milestone | 1,500,000 |
Contest Superstars | Points | Limit |
Win a Feud Battle with R-Truth | 400,000 | 1 |
Win a Feud Battle with AJ Styles “The Untouchable One” or AJ Styles “The Phenomenal One” | 25,000 | 10 |
Win a Feud Battle with Any Mankind | 50,000 | 5 |
Win a Feud Battle with Hunter Hearst Helmsley “Connecticut Blueblood” | 25,000 | 4 |
Win a Feud Battle with John Cena “Veteran Salute” | 75,000 | 2 |
Win a Feud Battle with Undertaker “Deadman” | 10,000 | 15 |
Win a Feud Battle with Trish Stratus “Tribute to the Troops” | 75,000 | 2 |
Win a Feud Battle with Lacey Evans “Southern Sassy Belle” | 25,000 | 4 |
Win a Feud Battle with Bayley “The Huggable One” | 10,000 | 15 |
Win a Feud Battle with Randy Orton “The Apex Predator” | 100,000 | 1 |
Win a Feud Battle with Gobbledy Gooker | 50,000 | 2 |
Win a Feud Battle with 1-2-3 Kid | 25,000 | 6 |
Win a Feud Battle with Stone Cold “The Texas Rattlesnake” | 20,000 | 10 |
30 | Truthy Claus Holiday Shard Sack |
1 | Legendary Modern Acrobat Strap with possible RARE Bonus |
3 | 5-Star Diamond Token |
23 | League TP Credits |
28 | League Coin Credits |
2 | 5-Star Gold Tokens |
2 | 5-Star Silver Tokens |
3 | 4-Star Gold Tokens |
3 | 4-Star Silver Tokens |
2 | 3-Star Gold Tokens |
3 | 2-Star Gold Tokens |
30 | Randy Orton “The Apex Predator” shards |
2,500 | What a Year Contest Points |
500 | What a Year Prize Wall Coins |
Leaderboard rewards
5 | 5-Star Diamond Tokens |
5 | Random Tier 4 Medals |
5 | 5-Star Gold Tokens |
5 | 4-Star Gold Tokens |
Shards Contest (Solo)

Tasks | Points |
Collect R-Truth Shards | 20 |
Increase the Talent of R-Truth | 2 |
Visit the Store and the Community Portal for FREE Contest GIFTS! | |
Max Milestone | 50,000 |
1 | John Cena “Veteran Salute” Santa Gear |
4 | 5-Star Diamond Tokens |
273 | League Coin Credits |
161 | League TP Credits |
1 | Mark Henrys Santa Gear |
100 | R-Truth shards |
1 | Boss Time Skill Plate |
1 | Sids Powerbomb Skill Plate |
250,000 | What a Year Keys |
5,500 | What a Year Contest Points |
23 | Random Tier 4 Medals |
6 | 5-Star Gold Tokens |
9 | 5-Star Silver Tokens |
9 | 4-Star Gold Tokens |
4 | 4-Star Silver Tokens |
3 | 3-Star Gold Tokens |
Leaderboard rewards
6 | 5-Star Diamond Tokens |
5 | Legendary Random Strap w/ random rare Bonus |
5 | Random Tier 4 Medal |
8,000,000 | Coins |
Limited-Time Tour

Play this Limited-Time Tour to earn R-Truth shards and Flash Feud Contest Points!
Chapter | Requirements |
Merry Truthmas | Modern Era |
Contest Superstars | Chapter | Points |
Rey Mysterio “Master of the 619” | Normal | 40,000 |
Any AJ Styles | Hard | 60,000 |
Walter “Ring General” | Hell | 50,000 |
50 | R-Truth Shards |
200 | TP |
250 | What a Year Prize Wall Coins |
650,000 | Coins |
20 | Randy Orton “The Apex Predator” Shards |
300,000 | SantaSlam Flash Feuds Solo Points |
and more! |

Get a chance to win shards for BRAND-NEW Superstar R-Truth “The Truth” or his poster at up to 4-GOLD, alongside other GREAT Superstars!
Earn League Store Credits and redeem them for Coins and TP in the League Shop!
Get more Limited-Time EXCLUSIVES on our Community Portal.
Join the WWE Champions Community on our OFFICIAL Forum and let us know your feedback on this contest!