Hey Champions,

Connecting your in-game account with Facebook lets you enjoy WWE Champions 2021 with more BENEFITS.

With Facebook Connect you can

  • BACKUP and SYNC your account across all your devices, including the Community Portal
  • CLAIM FREE Limited-Time Exclusives on the Community Portal
  • JOIN the Official Forum and engage with the Community and the WWE Champions 2021 Team
  • GET the following REWARDS just for connecting your account with Facebook (retroactively if you have it already connected):

How to connect?

It is super easy! Just go to your In-game settings and log in with Facebook.

What’s Next?

In our upcoming Update, we will switch to Game Center and Google Play Games as our main method to automatically detect existing game accounts. New/Returning Players will be greeted with a new landing page, so returning players won’t have to go through the Game’s Tutorial again if they have already linked their accounts via Game Center, Google Play Games, Facebook, or Apple ID.

iOS only: Pop-Up Incoming

For our players on iOS and iPadOS, starting with iOS 14.5, we expect that you will receive a pop-up request that asks for your permission to access and track your device’s “Advertiser Identifier.”

Among other purposes you can learn about in our FAQs and Terms of Service, this Identifier has served as an important method for the WWE Champions team to identify and recover your account when you reinstall the game or otherwise get disconnected from your account. 

The Identifier also helps us serve you with more relevant advertisements, such as when you watch an ad in exchange for Cash. We ask that when you receive this prompt, you consider tapping “Allow” so that we can continue using this Identifier to give you the most optimal and relevant experience in WWE Champions.

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For more Info and Troubleshooting, please visit us on our OFFICIAL Forum.