Update 2/23
The SD shop/mode deactivation will be postponed until March 4th at 11 PM PST. More info will follow regarding the SD coins “issues” some are facing.
Hey Champions,
With Showdown being one of your favorite Game Modes, we have received passionate Feedback that helps us improve it to provide a fresh and fun experience for our current and new Champions.
Over the last couple of months, we have worked on those improvements and plan to bring them into the game in the next couple of weeks!
Part of this Revamp is the Showdown Shop which will be updated with NEW League-segmented items and special discounts! To ensure a fair transition, ALL Showdown Coins will be reset to 0, so everyone starts from scratch in this new Era of Showdown!
Please ensure you spend ALL your Showdown Coins in the current Showdown Shop until 2/25 at 11 PM PST!
Next Steps:
We will deactivate the Showdown Game Mode (including the Shop) on 3/4 at 11 PM PST and bring it back in ALL-NEW glamor and glory a few days after!
Stay tuned for more info on the NEW Showdown Improvements coming in the next weeks!
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