Hey Champions,

The Olympic Hero Kurt Angle enters the WWE Champions Hall of Fame, and you can TRY him out for FREE in his exclusive Tour, including his NEW TRIAL Gears and 100 of his Shards, before his Debut Contest this Friday.

  • Find this BRAND-NEW Superstar directly in your Roster when the Trial starts!
  • TRY him out with maxed Moves and experience his Moves repertoire.
  • In the exclusive Superstar Trial Tour, you can earn the NEW TRIAL Gears and obtain 100 SHARDS GUARANTEED ahead of his Debut Contest.
  • Earn Solo Contest Points for his Debut Contest in the current Weekly Faction Contest Leaderboards!


Exclusive Superstar Trial5/17 at noon PST5/19 at 2 am PST
Olympic Fame Contest5/19 at noon PST5/22 at noon PST
Faction Boss5/20 at 2 pm PST5/21 at 6 pm PST

Trial Tour (League 7+)

Use him in his exclusive Tour, try different Move Sets, get his NEW Trial Gears, and earn 100 Kurt Angle “Hall of Fame” Shards and some extra Rewards.

His official Debut Contest will launch this Friday, 5/19, at noon PST! Thus, we will remove his Trial Version from your account on 5/19 at ~2 am PST.

His removal comes with a ~ 30-minute maintenance. During this time you cannot access and play the game. 

Don’t miss this exclusive Superstar TRIAL and get excited about BRAND-NEW Kurt Angle “Hall of Fame” and his Debut Contest!

Join the WWE Champions Community on our OFFICIAL Forum and give us your constructive feedback on this Trial!