With the introduction of the NEW Hall of Fame Superstars this month, we also unveiled a new Reversal Move. This move deals 2,000,000 damage and steals the turn when the opponent’s move alters either Superstar’s Gem Damage.
The following S+ Hall of Fame Superstars will receive this new Reversal move as well:
DDP “Hall of Fame”
Vader “Hall of Fame”
Mick Foley “Hall of Fame”
Brutus Beefcake “Hall of Fame”
Jim Neidhart “Hall of Fame”
Torrie Wilson “Hall of Fame”
Rey Mysterio “Hall of Fame”
Kurt Angle “Hall of Fame”
Shawn Michaels “Hall of Fame”
Mr. Perfect “Hall of Fame”
Triple H “Hall of Fame”
Randy Savage “Hall of Fame”
X-Pac “Hall of Fame”
Kevin Nash “Hall of Fame”
Are you ready for a 3 week contest? We are and the 3 BRAND-NEW Hall of Fame Superstars as well!
Step into the ring with WWE Legends and enjoy awesome rewards all month long! While the event is brief at 3 weeks, we’ve gone all out with the prizes!
Collect BRAND-NEW Hall of Fame Superstars
Molly Holly “Hall of Fame”
Goldberg “Hall of Fame”
and Ron Simmons “Hall of Fame” on various journeys!
Unlock them early and take advantage of their Victory Tours that reset weekly!
Their NEW Silver and Gold Gears will be available in midweek and weekend contests!
LOG IN DAILY and claim Shards to unlock BRAND-NEW Molly Holly “Hall of Fame” at 2-Star GOLD for FREE! Jump Start Packs in the Shop can speed this up!
Get up to a 6-Star SILVER Molly Holly “Hall of Fame” in the weekly Loot! Find more Shards for the MLC Chases in the Elite Loot with a limited Loot Coin contingent in offers!
MORE Superstars are coming in for this MLC! Stay tuned for more Info!
Improvements in January
The Ring of Immortality contest lasts 3 weeks!
We’ve streamlined the process of obtaining this month’s Superstars Shards! Rather than running a dedicated Shards Collection Contest, we focus more on the monthlong Solo Contest.
You will find Shards Collection Tasks directly in the Solo Contest!
The 6-Star Gold Loot Coin rewards can now be obtained in the Extreme Rules Contests.
The Main Solo Contest TOP milestone is now 300k instead of 500k, because of the new 3-week contest period.
200k points will be in regular events such as tours, competitions, etc
100k points will come from collecting the regular available Shards for all the debut Superstars of the month
We added Midweek Prize Wall Medallions to the Elite Loot and Midweek Loots!
Ron Simmons “Hall of Fame” (S+ Tier) Shards will be heavily distributed in midweek events (1500/3000) this month.
Journeys to Success – How to get the NEW Superstars THIS MONTH
Trainer: “+2 Black MP +30% Health +40% All Gem Damage +75% Kickout Damage”
Claim 20 Shards for FREE in the Shop DAILY and unlock Molly Holly “Hall of Fame” at 2-Star Gold after four days of Login!
Jump Start Packs help you unlock him and other MLC Superstars faster!
Gear 1: +2 Starting MP Gear 2: Botch Gems do 333% more Damage
Find her new Gears in the Weekend 1 Loot!
Earn Shards for the other NEW Superstars throughout the month and in their dedicated themed Contests/Loots, where you can earn more for them.
Below is a SHards overview of where to get them this month.
Trainer: +2 Yellow MP +30% Health +40% All Gem Damage +75% Kickout Damage
S+ Tier
Regular Shards
Premium Shards
Kickoff Tour
Superstar Collection Tours
3x 25
Standard MLC Tours
3x 50
Feud Prep Contests
2x 75
Weekly Faction Contests
3x 25
Extreme Tour Competition
2x 75
Master Manager Contests
2x 75
Midweek Week 1
Midweek Week 2
Midweek Week 3
Weekend 1
Weekend 2
Weekend 3
Premium Prize Wall
Leaderboards ⬇
Collection Superstar Showdown
3x 200
The NEW Silver and Gold Gears will be available in midweek and weekend contests!
Bonus Shards can also be found in the Store, Loot and offers at wwechampions.com.
Mighty Molly Kick Off Contest (24hrs only)
Talent Up Molly Holly “Hall of Fame” and spin the Loot – Max Milestone: 3,000,000
Kickstart the contest with Molly Holly “Hall of Fame” Jump Start Packs in the Store because the early bird catches the worm, or in this case, 70 Goldberg “Hall of Fame” Shards and 2,600 Ring of Immortality Prize Wall Emblems.
Find Ultimate Straps with up to 100% Gem Damage on the Leaderboard!
⚠️ This Launch Contest lasts only 24 hours!
Legends of the Game Collection Contest
Climb the first milestone in the Collection Contest for a 4-Star Bronze Goldberg “Who’s Next”! The higher you climb, the better the FUSE UPS! Reach the highest Milestone for a 6-Star GOLD FUSE-UP!
Show more
Find Collection Cases in Tours & Competitions, Blitz, and Midweeks!
Collect Envelopes during weekend and weeklong Solo Contest Milestones for MASSIVE progress!
Earn nearly 200 MILLION Coins, 20,000 TP, a Titles Chest, plenty of high rarity Tokens, and up to 10 Legends of the Game Superstar Chests with a chance at Posters and Shards that can help you this month.
Ways to progress in the Contest EVERY DAY:
Monday & Tuesday
Claim FREE Blitz Tickets in the Store and at wwechampions.com to earn Collection Cases in Blitz Rewards. (resets after 16 hrs)
Wednesday & Thursday
Earn more Collection Cases in Midweek Contest Rewards.
Friday, Saturday & Sunday
Find Envelopes in weekend and weeklong Solo Contest milestones for MEGA progress!
Play weekly contests and competitions throughout the month to unlock AWESOME rewards in Milestones, Tours, and on the Prize Wall.
Show more
Earn MLC Rewards during the week in dedicated Contests.
The monthlong Midweek Prize Wall shines with various Reward highlights: Titles, Moments, Gears, and Ultimate Straps.
The Feud Prep Talent-Up rewards you with the Feud Perks and more!
Every New Feud comes with new Feud Perks. The following are the Perks for the next Feud:
+200% Yellow Gem Damage
+200% Reinforce Gem Damage
No Gem or MP nerfs!
Collect enough Premium Medallions in the Solo Contest and redeem them for 6-Star Gold Loot Coins, a Superstar Poster, MLC Superstar Shards, a Skill Plate, and MORE!
Take part in the monthlong Collection Contest and earn a GUARANTEED Poster of Goldberg “Who’s Next” (up to 6-Star GOLD in the TOP Milestone), Titles Chests, and MORE!
The weekly MLC Blitz rewards you with Collection Cases!
The 24hrs Legends of the Game Showdown Tournament gets you Ron Simmons “Hall of Fame” Shards on the Leaderboard!
Redeem your earned Emblems on the Prize Wall and choose additional Rewards, such as 6-Star GOLD Tokens, Coins, TP, MLC Shards, and much MORE! (Resets Weekly)
Defeat the Molly Holly “Hall of Fame” Tour Boss weekly for Special 5-Star Medallions that unlock even MORE Rewards.
Collect Keys and redeem them for Contest Superstars in the Contest Briefcase! Get 10 GUARANTEED, very RARE items with every 55 Pulls!
Please note: The Briefcase Loot resets weekly, so players who managed to league up during the week can also use this Loot.
Talent up your NEW Molly Holly “Hall of Fame” with Tokens, or take a convenient shortcut with our Starter Packs in the Store. TIP: The Pro Starter Pack grants you access to a 50% discount on ALL items on the regular Prize Wall!
Get more Limited-Time EXCLUSIVES and FREEBIES on wwechampions.com
Event SChedules
Below are the planned Contests for this month and the beginning of next month.
Ring of Immortality Contest
1/14 at 11:30 am PT
Loot, Perks, Weekly Blitz, Weekly Faction Competition and Tours, Kick-Off Faction Tour Competition
1/14 at noon PT
Weekly Events
MLC Tours
Victory Tours
Faction Competition
Collection Blitz
24hrsGoldberg Showdown Tournamentand Tour (Requires Goldberg “Who’s Next” and any Kevin Nash)
Special Events
Start @ noon PT
Kickoff Solo Contest (24hrs only)
Midweek 1
Feud Prep Talent Up
Extreme Tour Competition
Faction Feud
Master Manager Tour Contest
Master Manager Faction Boss Contest
Midweek Faction Boss
Showdown Showcase
Extreme Tour Competition
Feud Prep Talent Up
Flash Feuds
Please note: Events are subject to change
Molly Holly “Hall of Fame” Evolution Tokens How-To
First, collect enough Shards to unlock the free Superstar at 2-Star Gold or pull them in Loot!
You will find valuable Evolution Tokens in various places throughout the Contest, including Tours, Midweek Contests, and MORE!
These can evolve and enhance this Superstar during the monthly Contest.
If you want to be ahead, purchase more Evolution Tokens in the Shop, but there will be enough for FREE to bring them up to 4-Star Gold if you play all Competitions.
Consider bringing them up higher with all your Tokens if you get them in Loot!
Show more
Reminder: Collecting Evo Tokens will grant you points for the month-long contest! So, even when you think you don’t need them anymore, keep collecting!
Here is an Evolution Chart so you know how many Tokens are needed:
Evo To:
Token Costs
6-Star Silver
6-Star Bronze
5-Star Gold
5-Star Silver
5-Star Bronze
4-Star Gold
4-Star Silver
4-Star Bronze
3-Star Gold
3-Star Silver
3-Star Bronze
2-Star Gold
2-Star Silver
After the contest is over, her Evolution Tokens will be replaced by regular ones, which means regular Tokens will be required again.
Limited-Time TOurs and Feud Contest Superstars
Use the Feud Prep Talent Ups to invest in the right Superstars for Feud and Tours!
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Start @ noon PT
Champions Club
Hall of Fame
X-Pac “Hall of Fame”
Hall of Fame
Bret Hart “Hall of Fame”
Hall of Fame
Torrie Wilson “Hall of Fame”
Weekly Contest Superstars
X-Pac “Hall of Fame”
Rey Mysterio “Hall of Fame”
Mick Foley “Hall of Fame”
Bret Hart “Hall of Fame”
Jim Neidhart “Hall of Fame”
Vader “Hall of Fame”
Torrie Wilson “Hall of Fame”
Kurt Angle “Hall of Fame”
Brutus Beefcake “Hall of Fame”
Contest Superstars for Flash Feuds on 1/31
John Bradshaw Layfield “Hall of Fame”
Brutus Beefcake “Hall of Fame”
Mick Foley “Hall of Fame”
Rey Mysterio “Hall of Fame”
X-Pac “Hall of Fame”
Ron Simmons “Hall of Fame”
Jim Neidhart “Hall of Fame”
Shawn Michaels “Hall of Fame”
Bret Hart “Hall of Fame”
Goldberg “Hall of Fame”
Vader “Hall of Fame”
Kevin Nash “Hall of Fame”
Jerry Lawler “Hall of Fame”
Nia Jax “Queen of the Ring”
Indi Hartwell “Impressive”
Chyna “Hall of Fame”
Torrie Wilson “Hall of Fame”
Join the WWE Champions Community on our OFFICIAL Forum and let us know your feedback on this contest!