Hey Champions,
Since the release of our Titles System end of 2019, many Champions took advantage of Straps and Medals in Contests, Tours, and Competitive Game Modes. It enables you to strengthen and customize your Superstars the way you want it.
During that period we have constantly collected Feedback and analyzed our data to improve the Titles System for better player experience.
Today we would like to announce upcoming changes on how to acquire Inventory currencies:
We will remove the Straps and Medals inventory currency offers from the store
The Inventory expansion will be set directly to Cash
299 Cash for Straps
399 Cash for Medals
As you can see, the prices for the expansions have been reduced as well, which will provide everyone an easier way to extend their inventory capacities.
According to these changes, we ask you to spend all the expansion currencies you have already purchased, to avoid any issues after the changes have been made. These currencies will be obsolete afterward!
The aforementioned changes are planned to go live on 7/7.
Your Dev-Team