Hey Champions,
Last week we started our monthlong Superstar Shake-Up contest, with focus on Protect and Multiply-based move-sets, combined with the Limited-Time Perks, unusual strategies are the way to victory!
In addition to that, some might have already noticed, we have also added new 9K Trainer abilities to the game! So, without further ado, here is a list of those new abilities:
Superstar | 9K Trainer Abilities |
Undertaker “American Badass” | Generate one more Protect Gem
5% boost to existing Trainer ability |
Finn Balor “The Demon” | Generate one more Multiply Gem
3% boost to existing Trainer ability |
Akam “Authors of Pain” | Generate one more Red Gem |
Rezar “Authors of Pain” | +1 Blue starting MP |
Vader “The Mastodon” | Moves that destroy Red Gems destroy 3 more,
+3% boost to existing Trainer Ability |
Sin Cara “The International Sensation” | Generate 1 more Blue Gem |
Jeff Hardy “Hardy Boyz” | Cross Break Gems damage increased by 50% |
Christian “The Brood” | Moves that destroy Color Turn destroy 2 more
+3% boost to existing Trainer Ability |
Enjoy the changes and the monthly event!
Your Dev Team