Hey Champions,
The SummerSlam Revolt is coming to an end but there is one more Superstar debut waiting for you, Ricochet “The One and Only”! An Acrobat who knows how to recycle his moves to make the difference!
Get a chance to unlock him at 4-STAR SILVER, amongst other great rewards in this weekend’s Ricochet Contest!
- Play through the Limited-Time Tours to collect shard bags of Ricochet “The One and Only” and other rare Superstars!
- Participate in the Showdown Tournament and hit certain milestones to increase your chances at this brand-new Superstar.
Continue reading for a more detailed overview.
- This contest runs from August 9th, at noon PDT until Monday, August 12th, at noon PDT.
- The Showdown Tournament begins on Saturday, August 10th at noon PDT and lasts until August 11th, at 4 pm PDT.
- You can play through five Limited-Time Tours:
- Open Tour
- Sting “The Icon” Tour
- Ricochet “The One and Only” Tour
- Matt Hardy “The Hardy Boyz” Tour
- X-Pac “DX” Tour
- Rewards will be SummerSlam Revolt coins and keychains, up-to 4 Star Gold tokens, coins and SHARD BAGS for Andre the Giant “of the World”, required Superstars in the Limited-Time Tours AND Ricochet “The One and Only”!
- To get all the available shard bags you will need to reach certain milestones in this SOLO contest.
- The rules are as follows:
- Increase the Talent of Ricochet “One and Only” by 1 (35 points)
- Obtain 1 Wonder bag (2/2) (20000 points)
- Obtain 1 X-Pac bag (2/2) (20000 points)
- Obtain 1 Hardy Bag (3/3) 20000 points)
- Obtain 1 Icon Bag (2/2) (20000 points)
- Spend 1 One and Only Loot Coin (750 points)
- Win a Showdown match (300 points)
- Win a match in the SummerSlam Revolt Showdown Tournament with Ricochet “The One and Only” (1000 points)
- Milestones are set at 420.000 points.
- Milestone rewards are up to 4-Star Gold tokens, coins, headliner chips, SummerSlam Revolt Safes, and Ricochet “The One and Only” shard bags.
- Making it to the top of the Leaderboard will reward you with more diamonds, headliner chips, coins TP bags and an Aleister Black “The Root of all Evil” poster!
Don’t have the required Superstars for the Limited-Time Tours or you want to get your hands on a 4-Star Silver Ricochet “The One and Only”? No problemo, feel free to use The One and Only Loot Coins for that, available in the Shop.