Hey Champions,

With 2020 a new decade has begun, ready for new GREAT things to come! Wrestling boots cleaned, ring swept and ropes tensioned. We are happy to induct all new HALL OF FAME Superstars to WWE Champions!

What is a Hall of Fame Superstars?

  • Hall of Fame Superstars are going to have a PERMANENT 10% Gem Damage and HP Boost!
  • Additionally, a temporary 20% boost to both for the month of January!
  • You will be able to evolve Hall of Fame Superstars with special Evolution tokens in January and beyond!

The first “Hall Of Fame” Superstar to debut in WWE Champions is Booker T and you can get him EXCLUSIVELY in the respective Hall of Fame contest throughout this January, he won’t be available afterward! Lita “Hall of Fame” and Sting “Hall of Fame” will be released sometime in January as well!

  • Make progress by earning Hall of Fame Ingots in Tours, Feud, Blitz, Faction, Showdown Tournaments, and additional contests!

  • Increase the Talent of Stephanie McMahon “Best for Business” up to 4-STAR GOLD with Evolution Tokens and speed up your progress in the contest!

  • Win Booker T “Hall of Fame” at 3-Star Bronze EXCLUSIVELY in this contest and many more valuable milestone rewards!

  • Use Hall of Fame Evolution Tokens to increase the talent of Booker T “Hall of Fame” and upcoming Hall of Fame Superstars during this monthlong contest!

Please note: The following screenshots are taken from a test environment. Names, numbers, assets, and dates are subject to change!


Hall Of Fame contest 1/3 at noon PT
Ends on 1/24 at noon PT
Kick-Off Talent Up 1/3 at ~12:30 PM PT
Ends on 1/6 at noon PT
Showdown Tournament 1/4 at 4 PM PT
Ends on 1/5 at noon PT

Please note: The monthly contest will rollout around noon but it might take some time until everything is visible on your device.


Get the brand-new Stephanie McMahon “Best for Business” for FREE with the very first milestone!

Monthlong Boost for Stephanie McMahon “Best for Business” ”: tbd

Increase your Roster talent to win awesome rewards including Asuka “Empress of Tomorrow” at 3-Star Gold!

Increase roster talent by 11
Evolve, enhance or fuse a Superstar with 2-Stars300
Evolve, enhance or fuse a Superstar with 3-Stars 2500
Enhance or fuse a Superstar with 4-Stars8000
Spend a 4-Star Silver Token1200
Spend a 4-Star Gold Token2800
Spend a 2-Star Silver Token40
Spend a 3-Star Silver Token240


  • 1-Star Bronze Stephanie McMahon “Best for Business”
  • Up to 150 shards of Stephanie McMahon “Best for Business”
  • Up to 10 Stephanie McMahon “Best for Business” Evo Tokens
  • Hall of Fame Evolution Tokens
  • Up to 3 Hall of Fame Safes
  • Up to 3 5-Star Silver Tokens
  • Hall of Fame Feud Turnbuckles
  • 230 TP
  • 4,000,000 coins


Obtain Hall of Fame Ingots1
Increase Talent of Stephanie McMahon “Best for Business”50
Spend Cash1
Spend Universal Hall of Fame Turnbuckles1
Win any Showdown w/ Booker T “Hall of Fame”200000
Win any Showdown w/ Lita “Hall of Fame” 200000
Win any Showdown w/ Sting “Hall of Fame” 200000
Obtain 1 Free Daily Ingot Bag1000

Stephanie McMahon “Best for Business” Evolution Tokens How-To

  • You will find very valuable Stephanie McMahon “Best for Business” Evolution Tokens in various places throughout the contest including tours, coin & evolution contests, TP contests and MORE!
  • Those can be used to evolve and enhance Stephanie McMahon “Best for Business” during this monthly contest.
  • In the first Hall of Fame week, you could already get a total of 34 free Stephanie McMahon “Best for Business” Evolution Tokens!
  • If you want to be ahead of everyone you can always purchase more Evolution Tokens in the Shop!
  • Here is an Evolution Chart so you know how many Tokens are needed to get Stephanie McMahon “Best for Business”:
Evolve toToken costs

Same procedure counts for the (upcoming) NEW Hall of Fame Superstars and their Hall of Fame Evolution Tokens:

FromTo1-Star HoF Token2-Star HoF Token3-Star HoF Token4-Star HoF Token
1 Star Bronze1 Star Silver10
1 Star Silver1 Star Gold20
1 Star Gold2 Star Bronze5
2 Star Bronze2 Star Silver10
2 Star Silver2 Star Gold20
2 Star Gold3 Star Bronze5
3 Star Bronze3 Star Silver10
3 Star Silver3 Star Gold20
3 Star Gold4 Star Bronze5
4 Star Bronze4 Star Silver10
4 Star Silver4 Star Gold20


  • 3-Star Bronze Booker T “Hall of Fame”
  • 200 shards of Booker T “Hall of Fame”
  • Hall of Fame Turnbuckles
  • Up to 8x Platinum Hall of Fame Pouch
  • Up to 7x Diamond Hall of Fame Pouch
  • Up to 19x Gold Hall of Fame Pouch
  • Up to 25x Silver Hall of Fame Pouch
  • Up to 32x Bronze Hall of Fame Pouch
  • Up to 125x Common Hall of Fame Pouch

Leaderboard rewards:

  • Up to 7x 5-Star Silver Tokens
  • Up to 15,000 Diamonds
  • Up to 150,000 Headliner Chips
  • Up to 10,000,000 Coins
  • Up to 7x 100 TP bags


Obtain Hall of Fame Keychain1
Spend Hall of Fame Keychain1
Obtain 1 Free Daily Key Bag500


  • Up to 4x 4 Star Hall of Fame Evolution Token
  • Up to 4x 3 Star Hall of Fame Evolution Token
  • Up to 4x 2 Star Hall of Fame Evolution Token
  • Up to 4x 1 Star Hall of Fame Evolution Token
  • Up to 30x Stephanie McMahon “Best for Business” Evo Tokens
  • Over 190,000 Hall of Fame Ingots
  • Hall of Fame Turnbuckles

Leaderboard ranks will get up to 100,000 additional Hall of Fame Ingots!


A new Tour will launch every few days.

The first week will require one of the Superstars below, more will be added soon and can be viewed in our contest calendar.

Open Mixed Tag TeamTag Team
MembershipHard and Hell: VIP Superstar Tag Team
Stephanie McMahonHard and Hell: Any McMahon
Any KurtHard and Hell: Any HHH
Any Ric FlairHard and Hell: Legends Era
Any Booker THard and Hell: NWO


  • Exchange your Hall of Fame Ingots for resources such as TP, Tokens, Coins, Blitz Tickets, Diamonds, etc.
  • Additionally, you can get the following items:
    • All kinds of AWESOME Combo Packs!!!
    • Up to 5-Star Silver Tokens
    • Gear and shards for Ultimate Warrior and Booker T “Harlem Heat”!


Get ahead in the Hall of Fame contest with Starter Packs, Key offers, Catch up Packs and many more!